TMJ Therapy

Living with jaw pain and chronic migraines? You don’t have to.

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If you suffer from jaw pain, you are not alone. Many people suffer from migraines and discomfort stemming from the muscles in their jaw, which is why we offer jaw joint therapy (occlusal equilibration). Temporomandibular disorders are a group of problems that cause pain and poor function in the jaw joint and the muscles responsible for jaw movement. They are also known as TMD or TMJ for short.

Symptoms of TMD/TMJ:

  • Pain in the chewing muscles or jaw joint
  • Stiff jaw muscles
  • A jaw that locks or has limited movement
  • Painful clicking, popping, or grating
  • Changes in the fit between upper and lower teeth
  • Headaches, neck pain, or ringing in the ears

Our team specializes in occlusal equilibration which is one therapy to treat TMJ. Occlusal equilibration involves meticulously adjusting the biting surfaces of the teeth to put them in correct alignment with the chewing muscles. Often, patients who receive this adjustment make remarks that they notice that their teeth hit more evenly and their bite feels more solid than it has ever been before.

Botox can also help. Click here to learn more.

Get Rid Of Uncomfortable Jaw Pain. Call Today.